Prashant was a leading star in the 90s. Prashanth was more popular than Vijay, Ajith, Vikram and Suriya who are now at the top level. He attracted not only male fans but also female fans. He also worked with leading directors like Shankar and Mani Ratnam. He disappeared from the cinema due to some reasons and after many years he played the hero in the film ‘Andagan’. In this case, Vijay has released the first single song of the film (Andhagan Song Released By Vijay).Actor Prashanth was a leading actor in Tamil cinema. He made his debut as a hero with Vaikasi Porandachu. The first film was a mega hit. Beauty and talent came together, and the first film was a mega hit, followed by film opportunities. He used it properly and everything he touched turned out to be hit films. Due to this, fan clubs started forming for Prasand in many towns. Later he acted in Balu Mahendra’s direction. After that he acted in the hit film Thiruda Thiruda directed by Prashanth Mani Ratnam. After that, he continued to act in many films and became a leading actor.
Author : Nithish
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