Directed by debutant director Vinayak Vaidyanathan, the movie “Romeo” stars Vijay Antony, Mrinalini Ravi, VTV Ganesh, Thalivasal Vijay, Ilaxanasu, Sreeja Ravi and others. The music is composed by Bharat Dhanasekhar and the cinematography is by Barukh J Badshah. This film is produced by Vijay Antony himself. In this case, the film has been released. A review of it can be found now.Vijay Antony and Mirlani Ravi who say they will marry only when they feel love even at the age of 35 are getting married. But when Vijay Antony realizes that he is married against Mrulalini’s wishes, his life in the city comes as a shock. Mrulalini says that she dreams of becoming an actress in cinema and that it is wrong to get married against her will and divorce her. The rest of the story of the film is that Vijay Antony, understanding his wife’s feelings, does everything to make Mrulalini like him.
Author : Nithish
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